
Are Colored Waxes Worth The Money And Do They Work

Colored Car Wax:
Fact or Fiction

Even though Colored car wax has been around for many years, it is a concept that has not gained any traction due to its inability to perform as many people had hoped.

Most people go looking for these tinted car wax products as an unrealistic fix for scratches of varying degrees in their car paint.

While most would agree that car wax with color appears as an obvious solution over traditional car waxes, the reality is that these colored auto waxes don't offer any better solution than what traditional car waxes already offer.

Even beginners should find it "curious" that only a select few companies market these products labeled as colored car wax.

Does Tinted or Colored Car Wax Work?

meguiars colored car wax

While the car wax industry has brought us many amazing products through the advancements of chemical engineering and manufacturing, the industry still remains less than transparent in its marketing and advertising. Let's weigh in on some key points with regards to the topic of car waxes with color added to them to see if they represent a viable solution for you and your world of car care.

Question and Answers

Q - What exactly is colored car wax?

A- Car wax that has been made using color additives to match a few select car paint colors; eg. red, black, yellow.

Q - What is the concept behind colored car wax?

A- Car wax serves (2) basic purposes: paint protection and paint enhancement. As part of paint enhancement, car wax naturally fills and covers minor scratches and blemishes, while at the same time creating a uniform reflective surface. While the colored car wax seems like a logical concept, it still remains as a psychological one; this is what I refer to as the "power of suggestion". With casual observation the concept seems perfectly sensible; "If a traditional car wax can improve the appearance of my cars paint by filling and covering imperfections, just think how much better a tinted car wax will do in covering these same imperfections!"

Q - Does it work?

A- Firstly we must remember that the type of scratches we are referring to here are microscopic in size, and therefore it is understandable and realistic to see how

turtle wax color cure colored car wax

traditional waxes can "fill" these micro scratches. Normal human vision would not be able to discern the difference between the use of a traditional car wax to cover these microscopic scratches, and that of a colored car wax that was used to cover or hide the same microscopic scratches. For this reason, some of the manufacturers of these color car waxes have included a color wax stick for those very deep and wide scratches; but this is a temporary fix at best! Traditionally, most people would opt for some car touch-up paint to fill in these bigger and deeper scratches. It is no mystery that the industry has responded with what seems like an effective and easier fix; but unfortunately, most people are disappointed with desired results that were unrealistic to begin with.

Q - Why is there only a few select colors available?

A- I don't have a specific answer to this but it does lead me to wonder that if the concept was truly a viable solution to the problem, then why would a colored car wax not be made for the full spectrum of colors; eg. white, tan, blue, silver, etc., etc.

Q - Why do only a few manufacturers make these types of colored auto waxes?

A- Once again, I think this is very telling as to the validity of this strategy. If it was as effective as we have been lead to believe, why is every manufacturer of car care products not offering a complete line of these colored car waxes?

Colored Car Wax:
What Would Darren Do (WWDD)

Many of my long-term followers simply want the abbreviated answer. Simply put; they simply want to know what I would do rather than learn all the reasons I came to the conclusions I have. So I will lay out not only what I would do, but exactly what I do, do!

  • First- I completely dismiss the concept of any colored car wax
  • Second- I reach for my favorite car wax and what I consider the winning balance of features and benefits

CSI Q-7 Spray Wax: The Winning Balance

  • The most versatile wax I have ever used
  • The actual wax I use professionally
  • Can be used in direct sunlight on hot paint
  • Non-staining formulation (won't stain black trim and will actually enhance and protect black trim)
  • Can be used on any paint type: clear coat, lacquers, ceramic clears, etc. (not intended for matte finishes)
  • Use on paint, chrome, wheels, and black trim

I don't care which colored car wax you reach for, or which type of wax you reach for. I don't care how much it costs or how amazing it makes your car paint look. What I find often happens is a guy goes in search of the best car wax based on what the manufacturer says.

Virtually every manufacturer will tell you why their particular car wax is the "best". But as I have said a thousand times:

"The best car wax in the world is not going to do you any good if it never makes it onto your car paint."

What do I mean by this?

It is all about the user experience. If the experience of using a particular car wax sucks; then I don't care how good it is. The best car wax in the world is of no good if that wax never makes it onto your car paint.

best colored car wax alternative

For this reason I look for what I call the winning balance. And this is a strategy I apply to all areas of life as I know that everything is about trade-off's. You trade one wanted benefit or feature for what you consider a less desirable benefit or feature.

But only you can decide the "winning balance" based on you and your world. I can only tell you what I have decided based on me and my personal/professional world of auto detailing.

When I was first introduced to this Q-7 wax over 10 years ago I was completely amazed! This wax represented two massive eye-opening moments for me as a car enthusiast and a professional detailer:

  1. Can be used in direct sunlight, on hot paint
  2. Will not stain black trim

These two factors alone represented a truly radical approach to traditional car waxes. And once again; regardless of whether you buy into the colored car wax theory or not, a car wax that can be used in direct sunlight and will not stain black trim blew me away. (since this was over ten years ago, you may know that the industry now has many versions of car waxes that can be used in direct sunlight. But the CSI Q-7 wax was truly revolutionary at the time and was actually developed over 20 years ago. It was simply introduced to me as a professional detailer much after-the-fact of being developed years prior)

The unfortunate thing about the CSI Q-7 wax is that it was not readily available to mainstream until recently through the power of Amazon. For this reason I have said very little about it and the other CSI products. What service would I be doing to my followers to get them amped-up on a product just to let them down in their inability to actually get some for themselves.

Colored Car Wax:
Going from really good to great!

Now that you know I am not a fan of any colored car wax and don't buy into the marketing hype that I believe it to be, I want to let you in on a secret of mine that was introduced to me by the developer of the Q-7 wax.

This will take your car waxing efforts from really good to great!

By using the above Q-7 Detailer as a companion to the Q-7 wax, you can now create a deeper level of gloss and shine to your car. (it is important to remain realistic when it comes to creating gloss and shine. Any wax product can only do so much based on the starting condition of your paint. While car waxes and sealants in general will add protection and shine, no wax in the world can completely alter, hide, or magically remove blemishes and flaws of your car paint. Years of neglect and/or abuse to your car cannot magically be fixed or covered up by any wax product out there; regardless of cost. If you want to learn how to "fix" your car paint first before applying any additional visual enhancement in the form of a car wax you can go to my page on car polishing for beginners)

In the meantime, follow along as I let you in on my secret "recipe" for additional success:

  • Apply the Q-7 Detailer to your freshly washed car paint first
  • Don't remove the Q-7 Detailer, but apply the Q-7 wax directly over the top of the Q-7 Detailer
  • Allow the Q-7 Wax to haze up, then remove haze with a clean, micro-fiber cloth

Darren's Tip: What I am suggesting here is completely counter to what most of us have been taught within this industry we call auto detailing. Is is generally accepted that you wax first, remove wax, then follow-up with a detailer if needed.

Because the formulator of the CSI (ClearCoat Solutions) line of products thinks outside the box just like I do, he formulated his product line to not only deliver exceptional results as stand alone products, but also developed them to be used as companions to push the products to new levels of results.

If you want to test this procedure out for yourself, use the following guide:

  • Start with a freshly washed car (preferably a car that has been both washed and then clayed)
  • Apply the Q-7 detailer directly to the foam applicator pad (shown just below). Simply spray Detailer directly onto applicator with a few pumps of Detailer per section of car.
  • Cover entire car (painted surfaces) with Detailer but do not remove
  • Using a second applicator pad, apply the Q-7 Wax directly to your new applicator pad
  • Apply Q-7 Wax directly over the Q-7 Detailer until entire car has been covered (painted surfaces)
  • Allow Q-7 Wax to haze up.
  • Remove hazed wax with a clean micro-fiber cloth to create a level of shine and gloss like never before (your results will be based on color of car and condition of your car's paint prior to application of Detailer and Wax)

The Q-7 Detailer will act as a "conditioner" before you apply the Q-7 Wax. The Q-7 Detailer will fill microscopic pits/divots prior to applying wax. Due to the unique chemistry of the water-based, nano-emulsified formulations of both the Q-7 Detailer and the Wax, you will now have created a pre-conditioned foundation that the Q-7 Wax can now bond to, as well as create a level of shine and gloss hard to achieve with any other product or process!

Colored Car Wax:
Applicator pad

Use the following pad as your applicator pads when applying the Q-7 Detailer and Q-7 Wax together as part of my "secret tip". If you are using the Q-7 Wax or Q-7 Detailer separately you can apply directly to the paint and wipe in and off with a micro-fiber cloth.

Colored Car Wax:
If you insist!

If you just can't resist and want to experiment yourself with some of these car wax options, here are my recommendations that have a huge amount of positive reviews:

  • A complete kit for black colored cars
  • If you are determined to follow the colored car wax mindset, then this kit will be ideal for you if you have a black or dark colored car

  • Hard to beat a trusted name like Meguiar's.
  • Obviously your choice if you are waxing a black car. ( I wonder what would happen if you use the white colored car wax on black paint?)
  • Top rated black car wax in Amazon.
  • Once again; hard to beat the trusted name of Meguiar's.
  • The right pick for waxing a white/light colored car. ( I wonder what would happen if you used the black colored car wax on black paint?)
  • Top rated white car wax in Amazon.

Colored Car Wax:
Steps to waxing your car

Regardless of the type of car wax you finally decide upon, there are basic rules to waxing your car you will need to follow:

  • Only wax a freshly washed car
  • For best results you should decontaminate your car paint first using a clay bar
  • Every car wax will inform you as to how often you need to apply wax to your car (my simple rule is that you cannot wax a car to much! But waxing is time consuming and requires effort. So the harsher weather conditions your car must endure, the more frequently you should be waxing your car with "normal" wax or colored car wax. I typically recommend every 3-4 months for the dedicated car owner)
  • Use only micro-fiber cloths to remove your car wax (no cloth is softer, more absorbent, or lint free than a micro-fiber cloth)
  • You will likely hear endless opinions as to how to apply and remove the car wax based on the pattern of your hand. Many people will tell you never to apply in a circular motion as this will create swirl marks. This simply is not true so apply and remove in any direction you are comfortable with
  • Most car waxes regardless of type will be easier to work with n a coll, shaded paint surface. But there are car waxes that exist that can be used in direct sunlight, on hot paint (see my recommendation above for the Q-7 car wax)

Colored Car Wax Summary

If you would like to see another review site that embraces the colored car wax mentality but does noting to actually educate you but simply wants to sell you more "stuff" you can see a few examples here:

TenBestReview: Best wax for black cars

TheTreatment: their selection of what they claim are the only colored car waxes in the world

So quit delaying now that you know more about color car wax than 99% of all people out there. Time to go apply some of my professional tips to bring your car to a new level of beauty and appreciation!


Darren Priest

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Are Colored Waxes Worth The Money And Do They Work


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